Hi there,
I decided to continue posting - you can read here about... me :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fifteen Fathoms, Counting

Hello you reading this blog... I was so bored and I though why not share some thoughts here. So ... February is almost over and everybody is ready for the spring. I guess it won't be that bad if it is not -20 outside.

When spring comes - I won't have any excuse to stay home.

Today, I thought of one of those days of my childhood when my dad would finish work early and he would take me and my sister out for a walk. I love the fields near my home town. I could almost feel like I am a child again and I am running in one of those fields... free and relaxed.
Here, you can check two songs I love so much:

Friday, February 17, 2012

cannot let go

//I feel so stuck...

I was trying so hard to make everything okay for the last ... 8 years :c